Country: Myanmar
Closing date: 08 Apr 2019
To support teacher education reforms in Myanmar and build the capacity of Teachers to deliver the new 4-year pre-service degree course with a focus on inclusive teaching practices, access, participation and achievement of children with disabilities.
The volunteer will be based in a teacher Education College (EC) to establish Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes and support Teacher Educators (TEs) deliver the new teacher education curriculum, with a focus on inclusion.
The main responsibilities will include:
* Continuing Professional Development Working Group (CPDWG): Facilitating the set-up of CPD working groups (CPDWG) in ECs and support the development of an institutional CPD programme, strengthening links to practice schools.
* Development of Teacher Education resources: Working with other stakeholders and volunteers, support the development of CPD modules on inclusion (with special attention to disability) and ensure inclusion is considered in all aspects including English.
* Capacity building of Inclusion Champions: Train CPDWG members on inclusion and support them to train other Teacher Educators on inclusion. The volunteer will also identify and mentor ‘Inclusion Champions’ to promote inclusion in their ECs and clusters. The ‘Inclusion Champions’ will act as information resources on inclusion, lead the CPD of other TEs and teachers and participate in CPDWG meetings.
* Training and mentoring of TEs and Principals: On-going training and mentoring of TEs and student teachers on inclusive teaching approaches, including observation and feedback to promote more reflective practice. Volunteers may also support EC Principals and senior management to effectively implement teacher education reforms.
How to apply:
Application URL: