Country: Uganda
Closing date: 28 Jan 2019
The specific objectives of the baseline survey are:
* Measure the level of availability, access, and uptake of quality, appropriate and effective maternal, newborn health services and Adolescent sexual reproductive health in Gulu district.
* Establish the existing support status by social-cultural and political environments, and identify critical areas of intervention to improve a supportive environment for mothers and young people’s SRHR.
* Establish baseline values for all program indicators
The baseline will seek to understand and establish the MNH and SRHR situation in the catchment area of the six facilities in Gulu district, with specific focus on the key outcomes of the MNH project.
A mixed approaches method should be considered especially with the application of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The mixed approaches method will reflect a balanced picture of the existing MNH and SRHR situation in project target areas in terms of degree/magnitude of issues/problem and the actual beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, views, feelings and experiences of respondents hence providing deeper meaning to the findings of the baseline.
A scientific and appropriate population and sample size complete with approved methodology for determination shall be given by the consultant for the study.
The baseline should apply but not be limited to the following data collection methods;
* Desk Studies: review of project documents and understanding the project design and contextual framework
* Field Visits: to SRHR partners (RHU,); Local Governments, cultural, religious leaders, opinion leaders in Gulu Districts, and Health centers.
* Interviews: The consultant will interview health workers, VHTs
* Photography and voice recording where need be
* Observation
Data Analysis and report writing;
It is preferred that the consultant is conversant with and uses recognised data analysis software such as SPSS version 20 for Quantitative and NVIVO or Atlas ti for qualitative. It is important that all software to be used ARE LICENSED.
The consultant will be required to validate findings with select group of respondents after report generation and after disseminate together with VSO Uganda after the Final Report has been approved.
The consultant will be required to submit all material and data sets used in the data analysis and report generation process to VSO, after the consultancy assignment.
VSO’s quality evidence principle on Methodology will guide the assessment and scoring of the proposed strategies in the expressions of interest.
Preferred methods should demonstrate the following considerations:
* Approaches and designs are ethical and reasonable
* Builds in continuous and on-going analysis
* The methods are appropriate and relevant for the purpose of the baseline
* Testing and peer review of methodological approaches
* Document and ensure an ethical approach to evidence collection, analysis and use
* Data is analysed in a systematic way that leads to convincing conclusions
Tasks, outputs and suggested timeframe
The consultant is responsible for delivering on the following tasks and outputs in the agreed timeframe.
The deliverables include:
* Inception report (to include among others, plans {detailed methodology and analysis plan}, detailed road map, budget and timelines for the baseline in addition to revised data collection tools, analysis plan, and the baseline report format);
* Undertake desk review of relevant literature, materials and resources;
* Develop inception reports and tools for data collection
* Train data collectors and pre-test tools.
* Carry out data collection
* Supervise data collection and ensure quality assurance.
* Lead data entry, analysis and reporting.
* Write draft and final report and disseminate both for approval and adoption by VSO Uganda
* Validate and disseminate findings.
How to apply:
Application URL: