Closing date: 12 Mar 2017
Communications Specialist for Elaboration of Internal Communication Guidelines and Branding Toolkit
1. Background
Peace Brigades International (PBI) is seeking support from a dynamic and professional individual (as external consultant or a person from within PBI) and with a strong background in communication to elaborate internal communications guidelines and a branding toolkit for PBI. The elaboration of the guidelines and toolkit should be done in close coordination and collaboration with PBI entities (namely the Communications Working Group as well as Advocacy and Fundraising Working Group – CWG/AWG/FRWG). The guidelines and toolkit should be based on previous existing documents within PBI, complemented with the consultant’s expertise in this area and should be a comprehensive tool to guide PBI’s communication work.
PBI is a non-governmental organisation, registered in the USA, which protects human rights and promotes nonviolent conflict transformation. We provide protection, capacity building and other support for threatened human rights defenders and displaced communities striving to promote social justice and human rights in areas of violent conflict. Our current field projects are in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Indonesia, Mexico and Nepal.
PBI’s project work is supported by a network of 12 country groups in Europe, North America and Australia, who carry out volunteer recruitment, advocacy and fundraising, and a small international coordinating office in London. PBI uses a non-hierarchical model of organising and decisions are made by consensus.
For further information see
2. Scope and purpose of Consultancy/Task
The lack of unified branding and communications tools has been identified as a hindrance to many of PBI’s current initiatives linked to fundraising, advocacy and communication alike. PBI is currently implementing several processes to strengthen its fundraising work and to address identified challenges. One of the objectives of these processes is to better align advocacy, communications and fundraising work. One of the goals of this process is to create global communications guidelines and branding materials which can be shared with all PBI entities by May 2017.
Although some communications guidelines exist, they are not collated in an easily accessible format, nor are they well implemented across PBI. This consultancy seeks to create guidelines and a toolkit which allow for all entities to implement unified communications and branding and improves PBI’s image as a global organization. Therefore, the global communications guidelines and branding toolkit should include comprehensive materials that will allow PBI to present itself to different audiences (HRDs, political contacts, donors, general public, etc.) in a clear and comprehensive way and using homogenous branding. Its implementation should ensure that PBI communicates consistently and avoids duplication. The toolkit should include a suite of materials that can be adapted for different audiences by different entities (many of which already exists but need to be gathered in one place and include clear guidelines for implementation). The consultant should also be prepared to provide initial training on the use of the guidelines and toolkit to PBI entities to help ensure implementation.
The contracted person should consider communications, advocacy and fundraising perspective and work closely with key members of PBI to guarantee proper inclusion of these interlinked perspectives. We expect the professional to consult and coordinate with PBI groups but also to produce a draft and a final version of the strategy.
The key objectives of the process will be to:
· Create organizational buy-in to a unified branding and communications strategy;
· Based on previous documentation, consultation and discussions, elaborate:
Global Communications Guidelines which can be implemented by all PBI entities;
A communications toolkit with global branding and messaging material and standard formats that can be used by staff across PBI entities;
Provide initial training on implementation of Communications Guidelines and Toolkit to CWG members;
· Provide recommendations to PBI as to how best to move forward on a Global Communications Strategy, identifying what resources and commitment from entities are necessary to achieve this.
The key tasks are to:
· Coordinate and lead in the elaboration of communications guidelines and toolkit in consultation with PBI’s International Office, CWG, AWG and FRWG;
· Review and collate existing materials and guidelines;
· Based on existing materials and guidelines and the expertise of the consultant, and taking into account the experience and capacity of all entities, elaborate communications guidelines and toolkit;
· Incorporate feedback from PBI entities and the CWG in guidelines and toolkit;
· Present final version of communications guidelines and toolkit and provide initial training on their use to CWG members;
· Present clear recommendations for next steps in elaborating and implementing a global communications strategy which can form the basis of a proposal for PBI’s General Assembly, to be held in autumn of 2017.
The key outputs are:
· Communications Guidelines
· Communications Toolkit with branding material
· Recommendations for elaborating and implementing a global communications strategy
The key background documents are:
· PBI’s 2012-2017 Global Strategic Plan
· PBI’s 2016-2017 Fundraising Strategy
· PBI’s 2014 Fundraising Review and 2016 Fundraising Diversification Report
· PBI’s 2011 Global Evaluation
· PBI ‘Case for Support’
· Feedback given by PBI entities to communications questionnaires
· PBI House Style and PBI Style Guide
· communications strategy
3.Duration and Timeline:
The Consultancy will begin in March 2017 and draft guidelines and toolkit completed by May 2017.
4.Supervision and Guidance:
The person will be expected to be self-motivated and able to work independently. S/he will be supervised and supported by a mixed group from PBI’s International Office, CWG and FRWG who will provide a general induction to the process, relevant background documents, and links to the relevant PBI entities and individuals across the wider organisation and outside of it.
5.Person specifications:
· At least 3 years’ communications experience including experience developing communication strategies for INGOs
· Experience in coordinating processes with different entities
· Experience in strategic planning and organisational development
· Excellent organisational and time management skills
· Excellent report writing skills
- Excellent spoken and written English; basic understanding of written Spanish
- Availability to fulfil the role and tasks within the stipulated timeframe
- Good command of spoken and written Spanish
- Previous experience in fundraising and/or advocacy
- Understanding of consensus decision-making
· Good knowledge of PBI, its work and processes
6.Terms and Conditions:
This task will be done on a consultancy basis. Specific conditions depend on previous experience and location, however the total budget for this consultancy should not exceed €1,700.
How to apply:
To apply, please send a letter of interest (of no more than 1000 words) explaining how you meet the selection criteria and how your background and experience(s) make you the most suitable candidate, a CV and contact details for two people who are qualified to comment on your ability to undertake this work.
(Applicants who do not provide this information in the format requested will not be shortlisted for interview.)
Applications should be submitted to Sierra Schraff Thomas,
Deadline: 12 March, 2016
Interviews: 16-17 March, 2016
Please note that we are unable to respond to applicants who have not been selected for interview.